A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design

Today I want to share with you something that absolutely changed my life a few years ago. This is something that has allowed me to feel more confident, authentic & joyful than ever before: Human Design.

What is Human Design, you ask? Well, put simply, it's a system that combines ancient wisdom and modern science to reveal your unique blueprint. Your blueprint is like a map of your soul, showing you who you are, how you operate, and what your purpose is.

Human Design is based on the idea that we are all different, and we have different ways of expressing ourselves, interacting with others, and making decisions. And once you discover your own unique blueprint, you can learn how to fully embrace what makes you unique.

Human Design Energy Types

To start with, there are five energy types in Human Design: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. You also have your own combination of strategy, authority (decision making), profile, and centers, but for today’s post, we’ll focus on energy types:

Manifestors: The initiators and innovators of the world, they make up about 8% of the world’s population. They have a powerful impact on their environment and are great at starting new things, as their energy is always seeking new things to do and acheive. Their strategy is to inform others before they act; they often feel the urge to go and do their own thing, but they need to keep others aware of what they’re doing.

Generators: The builders and creators of the world. Along with Manifesting Generators, they make up 70% of the world’s population. Generators have a lot of life force and can sustain projects and activities, as long as those activities are in alignment with their true desires. Their strategy is to respond to what life brings them; they shouldn’t put their energy into anything and everything, rather make space for opportunities to come to them and respond to the ones that truly light them up (they’ll know this if they listen to their gut!)

Manifesting Generators: A powerful hybrid of manifestors and generators. They have both the initiating and sustaining qualities, and can multitask and move fast. To those without generator energy, they will seem superhuman as they expertly move from one thing to the next. Their bedside table will have multiple half-read books on it! Their strategy is to inform and respond, so keeping others up to date when they respond to the opportunities presented to them by the universe.

Projectors: The guides and leaders of the world, making up around 22% of the people around us. They have a unique perspective and can see the big picture. They can also recognize the talents and potentials of others. Their strategy is to wait for the invitation; they can often see better ways of doing things, but if they tell people what to do, it just puts them on the defensive. Instead, they should wait to be invited to give their valuable.

Reflectors: The mirrors and evaluators of the world. They have a rare and special gift of reflecting the state of their environment and the people around them, and reflect approximately 1% of the population. They can also sense the cycles and patterns of life. Their strategy is to wait for a lunar cycle; take your time, and really listen to your own intuition without the noise from everyone else.

By learning your type and following your strategy and authority, you can align with your true nature and live a more authentic and fulfilling life. You can also understand yourself better and improve your relationships with others.

Benefits of learning your Human Design

Decision making: You can make decisions that are right for you, based on your inner guidance and intuition. You have your own internal decision maker and it’s important to tune into that. You don't have to follow the rules or expectations of others, or rely on external factors like logic or pros and cons. You can learn to trust yourself, your own inner knowing, and trust your body to know what is best for you.

Energy levels: You can manage your energy more efficiently and effectively, by knowing when to act and when to rest. You can also avoid burnout and frustration by honoring your natural rhythm and cycle. You can tap into your creative potential and manifest your dreams with ease.

Emotions: You can embrace your emotions as a source of wisdom and guidance, rather than a problem or a distraction. You can also learn how to deal with emotional waves and triggers, and how to communicate your feelings in a healthy way. You can also respect the emotions of others, without taking them personally or trying to fix them.

Human Design is a spiritual and informative tool that can help you discover yourself and live your best life. It's not a religion or a dogma, but a way of experimenting and exploring your own potential. It's not about changing who you are, but about accepting and loving who you are. Something that I always emphasise with my clients is: accept what resonates with you and leave behind what doesn’t.

In fact, I often see that the things that don’t resonate straight away start to make sense for my clients further down the line, only once they start living their design without external conditioning.

If you're curious about your Human Design Blueprint, you can get a simple free chart in many places online. However, when you’re ready to experience the full benefits of Human Design for yourself, you can book a 2-part reading with me. In the first session, I will give you a detailed overview of your chart and explain what it means for you. In the second session, I will coach you on how to apply your unique blueprint in your daily life and overcome any challenges or blocks that you may face.

This is a great opportunity to get to know yourself on a deeper level and start living in harmony with your true nature. Plus, it will be a lot of fun!

If you are interested, you can book your reading here.

Coming soon in 2024!

If you want to dive even deeper into Human Design and learn how to use it as a tool for personal growth and transformation, I have some exciting news for you. I am launching my BRAND NEW 8-week course; Energetic Freedom Foundations, where I will teach you everything you need to know about Human Design, as well as a couple of my other favourite tools, for you to discover how to apply it in all areas of your life: relationships, career, health, spirituality, and more.

This course will help you:

- Unlock your full potential and express your true self

- Create more ease, flow, and abundance in your life

- Align with your soul's mission and make a positive impact in the world

You will discover your strengths, challenges, gifts, talents, passions, purpose, and more. You will also learn how to overcome any obstacles or blocks that are holding you back from living your true potential.

Sounds incredible, right? Well, it is! This course is going to be life-changing, and I don't want you to miss it. That's why I have created a waitlist for you to join and be the first to know when the course launches. Plus, you will get access to some exclusive bonuses and discounts that I won't offer anywhere else.

If you are curious, you can join the waitlist here.

I hope this blog post has sparked your interest in Human Design, and I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


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